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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Junior Syd Pierre was interviewed for the role of editor in chief of The Ithacan by the Board of Publications on April 7 and was appointed shortly after with recommendation from the Board of Publications and approval from the dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications.

Syd Pierre named next editor in chief of The Ithacan

By Prakriti Panwar, Assistant News Editor April 8, 2023
Junior Syd Pierre has been named the editor in chief of The Ithacan for the 2023–24 academic year.
The Ithacan Diversity Report 2022–23

The Ithacan Diversity Report 2022–23

By Zhannz Gomez, Community Outreach Manager December 8, 2022
This year, The Ithacan is revisiting last year’s diversity report. The new diversity report was formulated by the current community outreach manager.
Ithaca College junior Caitlin Holtzman, who has a major in journalism and a double minor in legal studies and art history, interviewed for the position during the April 4 meeting with the Board of Publications.

Caitlin Holtzman named next editor in chief of The Ithacan

By Lorien Tyne, Assistant News Editor April 4, 2022
Ithaca College junior Caitlin Holtzman, has been named the editor-in-chief of The Ithacan for the 2022–23 academic year.
The additional recommendations include: Create a streamlined undergraduate application process, increase flexibility of the curriculum, make the faculty workload more equitable, revise and implement the course schedule, establish centralized management of graduate programs and reevaluate course caps. 

Applications for positions on The Ithacan editorial board now open

By The Ithacan April 15, 2020
Applications for positions on the Fall 2020 editorial board of The Ithacan are now available.
Guest Commentary: Responsible journalism must come from the ground up

Guest Commentary: Responsible journalism must come from the ground up

By Megan Devlin April 30, 2014

Arriving at Ithaca College four years ago, I never imagined spending one of my first Sunday afternoons in a staff meeting for the Accent section of The Ithacan. Looking around the room half full of seasoned...

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