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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Lauren Goldberg, associate director of Hillel at Ithaca College, asked presenters to highlight what they viewed as the four most significant developments in Israeli-Palestinian history. The presenters then reflected on their lived experiences surrounding that period, which they then shared with the attendees at the dialogue.

Hillel facilitates reflective dialogue on Israeli-Palestinian history and context

By Aubren Villasenor and Alyssa Beebe February 7, 2024
Hillel at Ithaca College held a conversation on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Muller Chapel Feb. 6. Muller Chapel was filled with around 70 people ranging from students, faculty and administrators as the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life welcomed two lecturers back to campus for the fifth time in a reoccurring event called “Side-By-Side.”
(From Left) Nizar Farsakh, Chair of the Board of the Museum of the Palestinian People and and Ori Nir, Director of Communications and Public Engagement at Americans for Peace now engaged in peace-oriented dialogue about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Speakers share views on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Cody Tayor, Senior Writer September 18, 2019
Experts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict came to Ithaca College Sept. 17 to discuss perspectives on the conflict and the need for a resolution. 
Letter to the Editor: Student responds to Ithacan editorial

Letter to the Editor: Student responds to Ithacan editorial

By Falyn Stempler April 23, 2019
This first instinct of non-Jewish people to have to know our politics on Israel is extremely problematic and creates an imposed binary of “good” and “bad” Jews.
Letter to the Editor: Politics professor responds to Ithacan editorial

Letter to the Editor: Politics professor responds to Ithacan editorial

By Asma Barlas April 21, 2019
I also hesitated to say anything because Muslims who support the right of Palestinian people to their homes and homeland are invariably dubbed anti-Semitic.
Editorial: IC Loves Israel Day's title distorts event's mission

Editorial: IC Loves Israel Day’s title distorts event’s mission

April 17, 2019
This is ultimately a full-hearted event dedicated solely to celebrating Israeli culture, and that premise should not be taken away from it.
Junior Falyn Stempler, outgoing News Editor at The Ithacan, writes about the issues of conflating Zionism with the actions and policies of the Israeli government.

Commentary: Progressive circles need to listen to Jewish people

By Falyn Stempler, News Editor December 12, 2018
Until each side acknowledges the other’s narrative and rights and ties to the same land, this conversation is going nowhere.
From left, sophomore Sydney Brenner, vice president of Hillel, leads a discussion during a J Street U meeting on Feb. 20 in the Six Mile Creek room in the Campus Center. Junior Liz Alexander, co-president of Students for Justice in Palestine, voices her concerns over the lack of collaboration between SJP and on-campus pro-Israel groups at a different meeting April 11.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict reflected in campus community

By Kate Nalepinski, Life & Culture Editor April 19, 2017
Haueter said that while the Hillel sector of the college campus cannot meet with certain organizations, Hillel encourages productive, open dialogue.
Titi Aynaw, the first black woman and first Ethiopian-born Jewish woman to win Miss Israeli, visited Ithaca College and Cornell University on March 30 to talk to students about her experiences in Israel and the army.

Q&A: First black Miss Israel Titi Aynaw visits Ithaca College

By Celisa Calacal, Opinion Editor April 5, 2017
Titi Aynaw was the first Ethiopian-born and first black woman to win Miss Israel in 2013, and spoke about her views on Israel and Palestine.

Guest Commentary: Taglit-Birthright alumna calls for Palestinian rights

By The Ithacan March 6, 2013
I implore the Jewish community to think independently, become informed and do not be fooled into letting prescribed political norms or propaganda constitute an opinion.
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