Video game developer Remedy Entertainment loves a good pastiche. Its popular “Max Payne” series paid tribute to Asian action films, while “Alan Wake” gamified small-town horror. The company's new...
Florida-based band Wage War is one of the latest metalcore groups bursting into the mainstream. Similar to Bring Me The Horizon, I Prevail and A Day To Remember, metalcore bands are often recognized for...
Disney’s live-action remakes have hit a rocky point as they adapt one of its more unusual characters in “Dumbo.” Directed by Tim Burton, “Dumbo” seeks to recreate the 1941 animated classic on...
By Mary Ford, Assistant Life & Culture Editor
• January 15, 2015
Directed by Morten Tyldum and starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Kiera Knightly, "The Imitation Game" reveals the story of a little-known cryptographic genius punished for his homosexuality.