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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Ithaca College community gathered over Zoom on June 27 to share stories and remember sophomore Blaze Myers, who died by suicide June 15.

College mourns death of student, sophomore Blaze Myers

By Kai Lincke, Assistant News Editor July 5, 2023
The Ithaca College community gathered over Zoom on June 27 to share stories and remember sophomore Blaze Myers, who died by suicide June 15.
Ithaca College Sophomore Conor Friend does sit-ups as a part of his ROTC training. Friend has an intense schedule, balancing both ROTC training and a full course load.

Ithaca College sophomore takes command as ROTC squad leader

By Annika Kushner, Contributing Writer November 4, 2015
Each Monday, sophomore Conor Friend gets out of bed at 5:30 a.m., throws on a T-shirt and gym shorts and gets in the car to drive to Cornell University. There, he meets the roughly 30 other members of the Ithaca College and Cornell University Reserve Officers’ Training Corps for their workout.
Maj. Gen. Arthur M. Bartell gave his presentation, “Leadership: Don’t Leave School Without It,” Oct. 27 in Emerson Suites to an audience of about 200.

Retired Major General speaks about importance of leadership

By Elena Piech, Staff Writer October 31, 2015
A call for leadership skills to become a greater focus in higher education was a central focus of retired Maj. Gen. Arthur M. Bartell in his presentation Oct. 27 in Emerson Suites.
Members of the Ithaca College and Cornell University ROTC Color Guard gave a presentation of colors at  this year's Veterans Day Celebration on Nov. 7 in Ford Hall.

Ithaca Community shows respect at Veterans Day Celebration

By Natalya Gioiella, Contributing Writer November 11, 2013
The James J. Whalen Center for Music held its 11th annual Veterans Day Celebration on Nov. 7 in Ford Hall.

College lauds veteran military service

By Sally Young, Contributing Writer November 10, 2011
This year’s Veterans Day Celebration holds a new meaning for active and veteran soldiers in the wake of President Barack Obama’s withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.
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