The first part of the “IT” franchise opens with an iconic scene: Pennywise the Clown (Bill Skarsgård) confronts Georgie (Jackson Robert Scott) in a sewer; the scene results in the 6-year-old boy’s...
“Us” is at once familiar and foreign — it’s a traditional slasher turned and twisted into something radical and bizarre.
The film follows the Wilson family on their annual summer vacation:...
What happens when a cold-blooded serial killer reincarnates into a newborn baby’s body? It becomes a huge mess.
Though the events in “The Prodigy” are messy and gory, the storyline is even more...
“We turned on the news, watched it for probably like three or four hours, saw that there were about a hundred or so people who were killed at the concert hall, and then they closed the border, so we didn’t know what the heck we were going to do,” Greenfield said.