What’s happening today
Today’s top news and events
1. Nominations are now being accepted for Campus Life Awards. Students, faculty and staff can submit nominations for graduating seniors who have made outstanding contributions to the campus community. Nominations can be submitted until 5 p.m. Feb. 24.
2. Last week, the Student Government Association passed a bill that recommends making changes to the Dean’s List requirements of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. The bill, written by the HSHP senator, senior Greg Addicott, calls for the end of the school’s policy, which currently prevents any HSHP student receiving more than four credits from an internship, fieldwork or student teaching from making the Dean’s List. Check back later today for more on this story.
Week in Rewind
Everything you need to know about last week
Take a look back at the week of Jan 26–Feb 1: