In director John Luessenhop’s action movie “Takers,” a group of thieves risk their fortunes and lives to try for the fattest robbery of their careers. While the plot seems exciting, the movie falls like a dud as nothing more than a generic robber film.
When Ghost (T.I.) is released from prison, he offers a group of thieves a truck robbery job with a payoff of about $30 million. The group accepts, but realize they’re being tracked by a detective who wants nothing more than to solve the case.
The writers generate a simple, overdone plot and basic dialogue. The thieves all engage in one-dimensional performances where the characters are always calm and cool and speak in monotone, only showing emotion in the most extreme situations.
A fight scene with Hayden Christensen features such shaky camera movements that the shots are ugly, and viewers have a hard time keeping track of the action. Twice, the film uses a slow motion, walk-toward-the-camera shot so clichéd that comedies would poke fun at it.
The cast and crew behind “Takers” do not get away with their numerous crimes — an unimaginative plot and empty characters, not to mention Christensen wearing that silly fedora and bow tie.
“Takers” was written by Peter Allen, Gabriel Casseus, John Leussenhop and Avery Druff and directed by Leussenhop.