In Oliver Stone’s sequel to the 1987 hit “Wall Street,” he captures the massive scope of the cut-throat stock market. Grand visuals and a character-energized story of revenge and redemption blend to create “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.”
The story follows infamous Wall Street player Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) as he attempts to save both his relationship with his daughter and Wall Street before a stock market crash.
Douglas steals the show with his refreshed portrayal of a Wall Street legend. He is enthralling with his brutally honest dialogue, and his powerful performance drives the dramatic story of greed and vengeance. Shia LaBeouf, Gecko’s daughter’s fiancée, handles the role of a troubled businessman and unwitting pawn very seriously and gives a mature performance.
The film is supported by fantastic visuals. From the vibrant streets of New York to blinking financial statistics, the bright, opulent colors of the setting and effects help to present the movie’s theme of financial greed that drives and consumes these characters.
“Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” is an entertaining and powerful story that shows the glory and madness of finance — one of the most influential webs in existence.
“Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” was written by Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff and directed by Oliver Stone.