President Rochon will hold open office hours again
President Tom Rochon will be holding open office hours from 1:15-–3:15 p.m. Dec. 11 open to any campus community members who would like to speak with him. Faculty, staff and students can stop by his table that will be set up near the Information Desk, just inside the Campus Center main entrance. Additional opportunities to speak with the president during open office hours will be shared in the future. This is the second session of open office hours. Rochon has held, after the first one held Dec. 4. A post on the college’s Instagram account said the president’s office is working to decide how frequent the future office hours will be.
Ithaca College to hold reception for graduates
All students are invited to celebrate the accomplishments of the December 2015 graduates at a dessert reception 2–3:30 p.m. Dec. 12 in Emerson Suites.
As part of the reception, a short program including a welcome by President Tom Rochon and Natalie Dionne, vice president of the senior class, will begin the event.
An address will also be given by Sean Eversley Bradwell, assistant professor in the Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity, who was selected by the graduating students to speak. Concluding remarks will be given by
Carrie Brown, executive director of alumni relations.
Discussion to be held about IC diversity efforts
Faculty and staff have been invited to join Roger Richardson, interim chief diversity officer, in the Center for Faculty Excellence for an informal conversation about campus diversity efforts.
Richardson will share his insights and will seek input from faculty and staff about their efforts. The event will be held 9–10 a.m. Dec. 15 in 316 Gannett Center.
Students, faculty and staff attending will be able to engage in a discussion about the recent events on campus. There will be a brainstorming session for those attending as well as an alloted section of time to discuss progress that has been made.
College to host workshop about time management
The Center for Faculty Excellence will host a workshop titled Time Management: Creating a “Time Budget That Works for You.” The workshop will be facilitated by Randy DeVett-McKon from the Academic Advising Center and will take place from noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 14 in 316 Gannett Center. The workshop will focus on managing work, home and social responsibilities. The workshop will also examine how to create a time budget, how to prioritize and how to be flexible and meet desired goals.
IC to host holiday parties for campus community
There will be a number of holiday celebrations for students at the college this month, including Ithaca College’s Annual Family Holiday Party. President Tom Rochon will be hosting the party for students and family members, taking place 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Dec. 12 at 2 Fountain Place in Ithaca. There will be activities such as holiday crafts and cookie decorating for all children.
A holiday faculty and staff reception will be held 4–7 p.m. Dec. 15 at the same location. There will be a chance to win door prizes, including the opportunity to win the president’s parking spot for a week.
A campus holiday luncheon will be held 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Dec. 17 in the Terrace Dining Hall. All students are invited to join.
OSEMA seeking student leader award nominations
The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is looking for student leaders to be nominated for the Peggy Ryan Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership. The PRWAACL recognizes outstanding juniors and seniors who excel in academic performance and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment.
When nominated, students will get an email encouraging them to apply. In order to nominate a student, OSEMA will need their first name, last name and email. Nominations are due Dec. 11.
Those interested can fill out the nomination form or send a list of nominations to OSEMA. Students will be contacted soon for their nominations and further instructions on how to apply. Award recipients will be announced
in 2016.
Submissions now open for Whalen Symposium
The online submission process for faculty sponsors to submit student presentations for the 19th Annual James J. Whalen Symposium is now open. Students interested in presenting can contact a faculty collaborator to discuss the proposal submission process. Students who participate will be able to develop their presentation skills and include their presentation in their resume. Faculty can access an online form, available on Intercom, to submit a student’s presentation or project. Once the form is submitted, the faculty member and student will recieved an email detailing the next step. Those whose presentations win awards will receive gift certificates to the Ithaca College Bookstore. The Symposium is set to take place April 14, 2016.