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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The "Downtown Abbey" movie adaptation is a treat for long-time fans with lovely references to the original series. However, the film lacks the appeal to draw in new fans.

Review: Period drama lacks royal touches of original series

By Sarah Diggins, Contributing Writer October 1, 2019

“Downton Abbey” captivated audiences after its premiere in the U.S. on PBS in 2011. The never-ending drama in the show surrounded the Crawley family and its domestic servants on the fictional estate...

Third from left, sophomore Daniel Igoe marches at The Bristol Renaissance Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin, with a group of other costume-clad workers. Igoe began working with the fair two years ago and said he found a community through it.

Q&A: History major time travels with Renaissance fairs

By Olivia King, Staff Writer August 28, 2019

History has the potential to be highly interactive and relatable given the right circumstances — Renaissance fairs are one way to bring history to life. Fairs often combine crafting, costuming and performance...

Junior Eliana Berger presented her paper on an 18th-century British periodical called “The Parrot” on Jan. 5 in Oxford, England. Her work analyzes the portrayal of identity.

Junior’s paper peers into past periodicals

By Liza Gillespie January 29, 2019

An 18th-century British periodical that disguised political commentary through an innocuous narrator — a bird —  inspired a paper by Ithaca College junior Eliana Berger that illustrated how oppressed...

Freshman Paloma De Monte runs cross-country for Ithaca College and is from Canada.

International freshmen student athletes adjust to South Hill

By Jack Murray, Assistant Sports Editor September 19, 2018
While most Ithaca College athletes hail from the United States, there's always a few who come from another country. Three freshman share their journey

Tulp’s Travels: Being American in postconflict societies

By Sophia Tulp, Staff Writer February 21, 2018
When I chose to study abroad in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, I knew that I was stepping into postconflict societies, with wounds still open.
The London Eye was lit up with the colors of the French flag the week of the November 2016 terrorist attacks in Paris. Ithaca College London Center students have been reported safe following an attack outside of British Parliament in London March 22.

Ithaca College students react to terrorist attacks abroad

By Evan Popp, Staff Writer April 20, 2016
“We turned on the news, watched it for probably like three or four hours, saw that there were about a hundred or so people who were killed at the concert hall, and then they closed the border, so we didn’t know what the heck we were going to do,” Greenfield said.
London A-Z

London A-Z

By Allison Latini, Blogger December 19, 2015
In London, one of the most-loved and most-used London Guidebooks is called the London A-Z. You can find this book in any convenience store, street vendor, Waterstone, and on any shelf in ICLC. My personal semester-long project was to create my own London A-Z, featuring all of my favorite/most memorable London places and spaces!
Freshman Abby Mellinger, on the women's crew team, works out on a stationary rowing machine Nov. 13 at the Robert B. Tallman Rowing Center at Cayuga Inlet.

Power House: Freshman overcomes the challenges of rowing

By Danielle Allentuck, Contributing Writer November 18, 2015
Freshman Abby Mellinger, coming from a long line of rowers, masters the sport.
Chris Holmes, associate professor in the Department of English, discusses his freshman seminar about guns and gun violence.

English professor to co-direct University of London seminar

By Evin Billington, Life & Culture Editor November 5, 2014
This spring, Chris Holmes, assistant professor of English, will travel to England to guest-direct a graduate seminar and give a lecture at Queen Mary College in the University of London about postcolonial literature and the Nobel prize–winning author J.M. Coetzee.
Kim Blaha ’09, an employee at the GreenStar cooperative Market, the city's only co-operative grocery store, speaks to Debbie carmichael, an ithaca local and customer, Wednesday at the store on West Buffalo Street.

Ithaca celebrates its many co-ops during national co-op month

By Megan Devlin, Editor-in-Chief October 24, 2013

October is National Co-op Month, and Ithaca has more than 80 years of cooperative history to motivate the community to continue expanding its co-op landscape. A cooperative, or “co-op,” is a legal...

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